Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reading Respones

Quote:"I have to work nights, sometimes days, on pier, in warehouses." Frank page 164

Response: This quote tell me that he is having a challenge working so he can live and trying to get good grades in college. In this part She telling him to choose and focus on one thing more then two things. Then he learned that American college are not what he imagined. The American teacher are treating all the student including him like nothing and he thought that the teacher will be kind people that care if you are learning and help you learn but he was wrong this is how America treat him with lies that people tell how American is great.
This happened to me before with a game when my friend said it was a good game and I went to go buy it. Then I played it and it sucked, i thought my friend said it was a good game then I realized that because he didn’t want to feel the shame that he wasted 50 bucks he lied and said how wonderful it was so he doesn’t feel like he wasted money. This is what I think why people lie because they don’t want people know they fail like in this story even when people come back to there home land they say how great it is because they know that they failed.

Question: Have you lied about something so people don’t find out you failed?what was it?

“Uh,huh, boring,boring,boring” Frank’s students page 230

Response: This is what Frank has to face everyday of school. These kids complaining about everything and Frank can’t get on with his lesson. Also he is losing his temper when these kids don’t listen. except there is one girl who know how hard it is to teach the class. Frank was first a sub. but the the original teacher retired so he got the job.
This has happened to me before when I wanted attention with my family or relative but they keep talking or ignore me because they thought what ever they were saying was more important. I know what Frank is feeling is hard but I disagree with him getting pissed he should make punishments.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Independent reading

1# Quote: I didn't drop the butt, Corporal. I don't Smoke. 75 Frank

Response: I think this mean that the captain will or high ranked people will treat the people not nicely because of Frank not saying yes sir, the Corporal tell him to go clean the dishes. And to throw his week end pass I thought this was pretty harsh. Also that tells that if you argue with a captain or a Corporal you will be punished.

Connection: I had a connection to this when people think they are right and I tell they aren't but they have a big ego so they can't think it over and they can't think my idea even if it was right. This made me really mad. Then I drop the topic but this is when I made my mistake They keep talking and trying to convince there idea. This is really annoying. So I learned that not to convince your idea to some people because they will never agree.

Question :Is it worth it to fight with someone to get your idea through?

Quote2# :Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home. page 73 Tole

Response: This tells how tole is trying to cheer up everyone because they are nervous about the colonel searching people bags. So he tries to cheer them up. This is what Frank and his friend have to face because they need to pass the search, this search is when the corporal search your bag but Frank and his friends don't like people looking through your thing. So this is what all the character’s including Frank (that are privates)has been through.

Connection: I don't have a really big connection but one time my parent were looking for something in the house and they couldn't find it so the only place was my backpack and I didn't want them to look for it because then all my paper will come out because I was really unorganized and they did and like the character he doesn't want them to search his stuff.

Question 2 # Would you want people to go through with your stuff?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Immigration Lit Circle Reading Response

Quote 1# "Very nice but why?" The Greek page 66

This quote ties in with how America is treating Frank. The reason why I think this ties in with how America treats him because people believe that he should be in college or have a better job because of how smart he is and also because if he doesn't belong people care going to look at him strange. This is how the America or the world is going to treat him by look at him weird if he stands out or if he doesn't belong. That is what I think of this quote. I think it is kind of like a discrimination. I have some personal connection when I stood out at explore some people I thought we were weird because of our skin color. It was ok because I had a friend with me but if I was alone I think I would have friend in 3rd grade.

Question1# Do you think looking at someone weird is ok if they don't belong? Why or why not?

Quote 2#
That was a Fu##in' movie, you'd have to be a real horse's a#s to get syphed up like that and what the h#ll do we have rubber for, right Di Angelo you went to college?
You have to be careful.
What the h#ll do you know, goddam spaghetti-eating guinea?- Thompson and Di Angelo fighting page 72

So Thompson and Di Angelo is fighting I think this is telling Frank that when you are in the military people are going to fight with you ever step of the way because they are pissed. Also I didn't put but after this Angelo threatens Thompson that he has a knife and I think this is not people frank should face up too. I believe that Frank will fight with Thompson or anyone at the military in the book. A connection to my like is when a kid liked to complain with everything even he knew I was write he would not except it. This starts when I say some thing and he disagree the only way to make him stop talking I need to a parent to convince him. I still have this problem even today. I just learned that some people will fight me ever time I say something.

Question 2# Would you fight for your idea if you think it is right? If yes then would you hurt someone too? If no would you just believe what ever people say?

As you se