Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Class Writing Response

Dear diary,

I found out today that there are 8 legged machines that have turrets blocking the way to Switzerland, so my idea was to just go through it and get to the other side to Switzerland because Switzerland is neutral also we as in my crew thinks it is ok. This is a very risky mission because if we do my idea and if they shoot us we would be screwed. Also I am not a kid anymore I hope everybody in the crew understands, but only Klopp thinks of me as a adult. Even in the part where I got on my ship and try to take the flares out the others said oh highness it is very dangerous out there or I will do and I am sick of it, I want them to know I will take the same risks as the others.

I still feel sad about the incident about me blurting out that I was a prince because then the Germans followed us. I feel sad because i made it hard to get materials because now everybody knows our identity now and how we look. It because my fault I hope Klopp and everybody forgives me.
From Alec

2.If I could write to the author I would say that the book was awesome and he should make a sequel. I still wonder why he made robots and mutated creatures. I would also ask if he is going to release a new book and if I can get one of the first copies because so far Leviathan is awesome. I think some improvement he could have add was to not make it the past but the future, because it confused me until I asked my parent about the history and my dad made me read the history and I found out that most of it was true except the machine and the creatures. If you want to make it better then I would also add only one story instead of two stories in one book because it made me confused.

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