I am still obscure about my two prediction what is going to happen in the last few chapters. One of them is that Bob Ewell will kill Atticus then hurt other people who are at the halloween party. This what likely is going to happen because he basically has a grudge on many people and he mostly has it on Atticus. So likely he will kill Atticus then I think he might kill judge Taylor because he was the judge and he was rooting for Atticus side. My best guess on who I think are going to die is Atticus and one of the Cuttinghams. It was because the Cuttingham as a jury was on Atticus side.
It is kind of obvious why Atticus is going to die because he was the lawyer for Tom Robinson. I just have a apprehension feeling about what is going to happen at the party I just feel like someone is going to die because it is halloween. Also I know something is going to happen because the last two incidents with Judge Taylor and then Helen Robinson getting pursuit by Bob Ewells. Also the idea about Bob hurting people comes from the idea that Jem broke his arm. Remember the beginning of the book when she talks about why Jem had a broken arm. These are my two theories. Bob kill Cunningham and Atticus during the Halloween party or bob goes berserk when they are going home. My prediction will not me improbable but I bet some part are inevitable.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Blog post 7#
I picked choice C. I think most of this story is about race because in the trial they voted for Bob Ewell because he was white not and it was a fraud vote because his lawyer had good evidence. Also When Ms.Dubose said nigger lover and things, this is racist. This is evidence because Atticus was just trying to do his job and they treat him bad for being a lawyer for the Tom Robision. Also I know this novel is about race because though out the story it is about how white people treat black people. Like how the black people have to go to the bad seats in a trial. Even in the book they talked about how if you were mixed they you don’t be long anywhere. This also tells that black people are racist too. Even in the book they talk about how black people are pauper. Also that kissing another color was predicament. Even saying I feel sad for the other race is a prejudice.
My guess is the novel is mostly Race wise but sometimes there is gender like when the book talked about how women can’t hear curse words form a man if they are around. I still think this novel is mostly racism. My option even the black and the whites are racist so I think Maycomb it’s self is racist. I don’t think there is that much class but I bet they was a little bit of it. But this book is irrelvant to have race because that mostly what the story is about. I think scout had become mature but not as much.
My guess is the novel is mostly Race wise but sometimes there is gender like when the book talked about how women can’t hear curse words form a man if they are around. I still think this novel is mostly racism. My option even the black and the whites are racist so I think Maycomb it’s self is racist. I don’t think there is that much class but I bet they was a little bit of it. But this book is irrelvant to have race because that mostly what the story is about. I think scout had become mature but not as much.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
To kill a Mockingbird Journal Six
I do have a neighbor friend that is like Dill. Where he is out going like Dill. For example when Dill wanted to see Boo Radley. He was taking a risk there and I have a friend that is like that out going, does risking things because he wants to know what it is or what does it do. Also Dill come to maycomb for a limited time. My friend only stay as my nieghbor for only half of the year because he has to move to his mom's or dad's.
When I was really little my parents told me but we had a very angry parents right below us. I relate her really close to MS.Dubose because of the little thing she gets angry and I was just 3 and I was jumping around and they come ups stair and says like are you having a party up there or something. Then my parents say it just my 3 year old son. They just yell and say shut it him up. and leave. In the book Ms.Dubose get angry like the littles thing to like scout isn't doing something she wants and she yells at them.
These are the two people that was closest to the character in my life. Also I think I would find more as I grow up. I also want to find a person that is like Atticus who is polite. Thank you for reading my blogpost.
When I was really little my parents told me but we had a very angry parents right below us. I relate her really close to MS.Dubose because of the little thing she gets angry and I was just 3 and I was jumping around and they come ups stair and says like are you having a party up there or something. Then my parents say it just my 3 year old son. They just yell and say shut it him up. and leave. In the book Ms.Dubose get angry like the littles thing to like scout isn't doing something she wants and she yells at them.
These are the two people that was closest to the character in my life. Also I think I would find more as I grow up. I also want to find a person that is like Atticus who is polite. Thank you for reading my blogpost.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Journal 4#
Journal #4
Chapters 10-12
I hope Scout and Jem don't tell anyone about how I was good at shooting. I hate my skill because it not fair for nature because god gave me the really good skill. I think by Jem face he won't tell but Scout looked like she was going to tell everyone.I usually don't shoot animals or I usually don't even want to hold a gun, but I had to do it this time. For the village of Maycomb. I had to shoot the dog it was going crazy. I was also afraid that it was going to go in to the Radley's homes. I was really scared when I went up to it. It scared because Maybe the dog was alive and it would bite me. It was died when I went to check it. It was inconspicuous that I still had the skill to shoot.
When I was trying to go home I hear a complained at the Ms.Dubose. I went go check it out. Then I saw her plant ripped apart and a baton broke in half. I ran home to see if it was my son who did it because recently my children had some problem with Ms.Dubose. So when I asked my son if he did it. I said "Are you responsible for this" He said it a manner way yes sir. So I asked him what was the reason. I thought for a second why are you angry. Then he told me because about me helping black people. I said that isn't a good reason and I told him to go apologize. He said but I said go. Then I was reading my newspaper and Scout looked like she had a problem. She tell me why I sent him there and how he was going to die there. I that he isn't going to die. When Jem came back. He told us that he had to go read to Ms.Dubose everyday and also plant her plants that he runed and help with it every Saterday. I said you have to to even if he said do I have to and wined about it I told him he had to anyway. Still he was Contradicting with me. In the end he said yes sir in a inaudible way but I let him pass on this time and he went off. I have recently seen Jem and Scout getting more close as sister and brother because she goes with him everyday when he went to the Ms.Dubose house. Then in the end after the month and a week after Jem was done I told him that I would have made him go to the Dubose house because I wanted to teacher him that Ms.Dubose was a brave lady also she was coantankerous but because she lived and died peril with noone to support her, she was a brave lady.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Journal entery 3#
Journal #3
Chapters 8-9
Perspective Scout
Maycomb endures a real winter. An event rare enough for school to be closed. Jem and me haul as much snow as we could from Miss Maudie’s yard to their our yard. Since there is not enough snow to make a real snowman, we built a small figure out of dirt and cover it with snow. We make it look like Mr. Avery because he is an unpleasant man who lives down the street. I bet he is a very isolated man. We don't entrust him though. The figure’s acquainted to Mr. Avery is so strong that Atticus demands that we disguise it. Jem places Miss Maudie’s sunhat on its head and sticks her hedge clippers in its hands, much to her chagrin.
Atticus wakes me up and helps me put on my bathrobe and coat and goes outside with me and Jem. Miss Maudie’s house is on fire. I was a little shock by this I didn't understand why her house was on fire. The neighbors helped her save her furniture, and the fire truck arrives in time to stop the fire from spreading to other houses, but Miss Maudie’s house burns to the ground. I thought maybe it was Jem and my fault for making the snowman and Ms.Avery got angry at her because she saw the materials. then in that moment boo drapes me with a blanket. I first didn't know who it was until Jem figured it out about the gift and everything that boo did for us. But the idea of Boo adjacently behind me made me puke because I was perplexity about him.
Miss Maudie is cheerful the next day. She tells the me how much she hated her old home and that she is already planning to build a smaller house and plant a larger garden. She says that she wishes she had been there when Boo put the blanket on me to catch him in the act.
Chapters 8-9
Perspective Scout
Maycomb endures a real winter. An event rare enough for school to be closed. Jem and me haul as much snow as we could from Miss Maudie’s yard to their our yard. Since there is not enough snow to make a real snowman, we built a small figure out of dirt and cover it with snow. We make it look like Mr. Avery because he is an unpleasant man who lives down the street. I bet he is a very isolated man. We don't entrust him though. The figure’s acquainted to Mr. Avery is so strong that Atticus demands that we disguise it. Jem places Miss Maudie’s sunhat on its head and sticks her hedge clippers in its hands, much to her chagrin.
Atticus wakes me up and helps me put on my bathrobe and coat and goes outside with me and Jem. Miss Maudie’s house is on fire. I was a little shock by this I didn't understand why her house was on fire. The neighbors helped her save her furniture, and the fire truck arrives in time to stop the fire from spreading to other houses, but Miss Maudie’s house burns to the ground. I thought maybe it was Jem and my fault for making the snowman and Ms.Avery got angry at her because she saw the materials. then in that moment boo drapes me with a blanket. I first didn't know who it was until Jem figured it out about the gift and everything that boo did for us. But the idea of Boo adjacently behind me made me puke because I was perplexity about him.
Miss Maudie is cheerful the next day. She tells the me how much she hated her old home and that she is already planning to build a smaller house and plant a larger garden. She says that she wishes she had been there when Boo put the blanket on me to catch him in the act.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Journal entery 2#
Journal #2
Chapters 4-7
Perspective Jem
Before my sister Scout brought home gum really he was eating it though but when i asked her where she got them she said from the whole in a tree in the Radley area. I still believe in those facts or rumor that people say that so I thought it was poisons so I made my sister spit it out. I just didn't want my sister to die or anything. But she was fine that was the good part. I hope she doesn't find more things in that hole she found the gum at.
So after that incident it was end of school so that meant it was going to be summer. Then my best friend Dill come over. So me scout and dill play this game where one person goes inside a old tire and the other pushes them. This is when I thought of this amazing game when scout was in the wheel, she accidentally went into Boo Radley's house. That is when I thought of a wonderful game. The more we played this game the more it became difficult because the Radley family melodrama. Then one day Atticus had to rune the game because she caught us playing and she said does the game do anything with the Radleys. She didn't want us to torture them. I totally lied, I said no and she left. In my head I said that is a close one. Then we decided maybe to stop playing this game now.
Life was all good because me and dill are becoming good friends.It looked like scout was left out. My guest is because we have contradicting genders. Then one day when me and dill were trying to put a note on the door on the Radley's about eating ice cream together. But Atticus had to rune it again and come and say don't torment the Radleys and order us not to do that. After that there was a day when me and scout and dill evaded in the Radley's house.We sneaked around the Radley's house. I smelled the mimose. Then we saw a shadow with a hat and flees, then that moment we heard the shotgun sound behind us we ran to the exit. I was scared we thought we provoked him.When I was running my pants got caught so I took it off and ran home. Next morning my dad said where are your pants we had to lie again and say we left them when we were playing a game with matches. After that I went to go retrieve them this was a amazing summer.
Chapters 4-7
Perspective Jem
Before my sister Scout brought home gum really he was eating it though but when i asked her where she got them she said from the whole in a tree in the Radley area. I still believe in those facts or rumor that people say that so I thought it was poisons so I made my sister spit it out. I just didn't want my sister to die or anything. But she was fine that was the good part. I hope she doesn't find more things in that hole she found the gum at.
So after that incident it was end of school so that meant it was going to be summer. Then my best friend Dill come over. So me scout and dill play this game where one person goes inside a old tire and the other pushes them. This is when I thought of this amazing game when scout was in the wheel, she accidentally went into Boo Radley's house. That is when I thought of a wonderful game. The more we played this game the more it became difficult because the Radley family melodrama. Then one day Atticus had to rune the game because she caught us playing and she said does the game do anything with the Radleys. She didn't want us to torture them. I totally lied, I said no and she left. In my head I said that is a close one. Then we decided maybe to stop playing this game now.
Life was all good because me and dill are becoming good friends.It looked like scout was left out. My guest is because we have contradicting genders. Then one day when me and dill were trying to put a note on the door on the Radley's about eating ice cream together. But Atticus had to rune it again and come and say don't torment the Radleys and order us not to do that. After that there was a day when me and scout and dill evaded in the Radley's house.We sneaked around the Radley's house. I smelled the mimose. Then we saw a shadow with a hat and flees, then that moment we heard the shotgun sound behind us we ran to the exit. I was scared we thought we provoked him.When I was running my pants got caught so I took it off and ran home. Next morning my dad said where are your pants we had to lie again and say we left them when we were playing a game with matches. After that I went to go retrieve them this was a amazing summer.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
To Kill a Mockingbird Book
Journal #1
Chapters 1-3
Perspective of Jem
I thought this kid named dill will be a nice kid till the day when he dared me go to the eccentric family house and ring the door because he wanted to see what they looked like. I was irked about this idea but I said sure because I said I an't scared of anything in a condescended way but when I looked at the house I froze.I knew the rumor's about it that you would die or Boo will do malevolent thing. When I thought about it, then I knew I still had so much to live for. Then dill say i thought you weren't scared and also that he dared him. I didn't want to prove that I was scared but I couldn't go.
I knew most of these things are rumors that they will kill you but there house looks wrecked and it looks creepy. Then dill says are u scared i say I an't but I was on the edge I needed to go or I would be the one that is scared. Then when I was thinking about going he said you can just go touch it and come back. He compromised for me, then I felt really happy that all I had to do was to run and touch the house and run back. So I opened the gate and ran and ouch the part of the house closes to me.
Then that moment when I got back away from the house I heard it shake and we all knew there was someone in that house.I felt scared but at least I proved I wasn't scared and at least I didn't die I felt fine. In the end dill went back to where he lives because the summer was over. And school was going to begin.
Chapters 1-3
Perspective of Jem
I thought this kid named dill will be a nice kid till the day when he dared me go to the eccentric family house and ring the door because he wanted to see what they looked like. I was irked about this idea but I said sure because I said I an't scared of anything in a condescended way but when I looked at the house I froze.I knew the rumor's about it that you would die or Boo will do malevolent thing. When I thought about it, then I knew I still had so much to live for. Then dill say i thought you weren't scared and also that he dared him. I didn't want to prove that I was scared but I couldn't go.
I knew most of these things are rumors that they will kill you but there house looks wrecked and it looks creepy. Then dill says are u scared i say I an't but I was on the edge I needed to go or I would be the one that is scared. Then when I was thinking about going he said you can just go touch it and come back. He compromised for me, then I felt really happy that all I had to do was to run and touch the house and run back. So I opened the gate and ran and ouch the part of the house closes to me.
Then that moment when I got back away from the house I heard it shake and we all knew there was someone in that house.I felt scared but at least I proved I wasn't scared and at least I didn't die I felt fine. In the end dill went back to where he lives because the summer was over. And school was going to begin.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Reading Respones
Quote:"I have to work nights, sometimes days, on pier, in warehouses." Frank page 164
Response: This quote tell me that he is having a challenge working so he can live and trying to get good grades in college. In this part She telling him to choose and focus on one thing more then two things. Then he learned that American college are not what he imagined. The American teacher are treating all the student including him like nothing and he thought that the teacher will be kind people that care if you are learning and help you learn but he was wrong this is how America treat him with lies that people tell how American is great.
This happened to me before with a game when my friend said it was a good game and I went to go buy it. Then I played it and it sucked, i thought my friend said it was a good game then I realized that because he didn’t want to feel the shame that he wasted 50 bucks he lied and said how wonderful it was so he doesn’t feel like he wasted money. This is what I think why people lie because they don’t want people know they fail like in this story even when people come back to there home land they say how great it is because they know that they failed.
Question: Have you lied about something so people don’t find out you failed?what was it?
“Uh,huh, boring,boring,boring” Frank’s students page 230
Response: This is what Frank has to face everyday of school. These kids complaining about everything and Frank can’t get on with his lesson. Also he is losing his temper when these kids don’t listen. except there is one girl who know how hard it is to teach the class. Frank was first a sub. but the the original teacher retired so he got the job.
This has happened to me before when I wanted attention with my family or relative but they keep talking or ignore me because they thought what ever they were saying was more important. I know what Frank is feeling is hard but I disagree with him getting pissed he should make punishments.
Response: This quote tell me that he is having a challenge working so he can live and trying to get good grades in college. In this part She telling him to choose and focus on one thing more then two things. Then he learned that American college are not what he imagined. The American teacher are treating all the student including him like nothing and he thought that the teacher will be kind people that care if you are learning and help you learn but he was wrong this is how America treat him with lies that people tell how American is great.
This happened to me before with a game when my friend said it was a good game and I went to go buy it. Then I played it and it sucked, i thought my friend said it was a good game then I realized that because he didn’t want to feel the shame that he wasted 50 bucks he lied and said how wonderful it was so he doesn’t feel like he wasted money. This is what I think why people lie because they don’t want people know they fail like in this story even when people come back to there home land they say how great it is because they know that they failed.
Question: Have you lied about something so people don’t find out you failed?what was it?
“Uh,huh, boring,boring,boring” Frank’s students page 230
Response: This is what Frank has to face everyday of school. These kids complaining about everything and Frank can’t get on with his lesson. Also he is losing his temper when these kids don’t listen. except there is one girl who know how hard it is to teach the class. Frank was first a sub. but the the original teacher retired so he got the job.
This has happened to me before when I wanted attention with my family or relative but they keep talking or ignore me because they thought what ever they were saying was more important. I know what Frank is feeling is hard but I disagree with him getting pissed he should make punishments.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Independent reading
1# Quote: I didn't drop the butt, Corporal. I don't Smoke. 75 Frank
Response: I think this mean that the captain will or high ranked people will treat the people not nicely because of Frank not saying yes sir, the Corporal tell him to go clean the dishes. And to throw his week end pass I thought this was pretty harsh. Also that tells that if you argue with a captain or a Corporal you will be punished.
Connection: I had a connection to this when people think they are right and I tell they aren't but they have a big ego so they can't think it over and they can't think my idea even if it was right. This made me really mad. Then I drop the topic but this is when I made my mistake They keep talking and trying to convince there idea. This is really annoying. So I learned that not to convince your idea to some people because they will never agree.
Question :Is it worth it to fight with someone to get your idea through?
Quote2# :Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home. page 73 Tole
Response: This tells how tole is trying to cheer up everyone because they are nervous about the colonel searching people bags. So he tries to cheer them up. This is what Frank and his friend have to face because they need to pass the search, this search is when the corporal search your bag but Frank and his friends don't like people looking through your thing. So this is what all the character’s including Frank (that are privates)has been through.
Connection: I don't have a really big connection but one time my parent were looking for something in the house and they couldn't find it so the only place was my backpack and I didn't want them to look for it because then all my paper will come out because I was really unorganized and they did and like the character he doesn't want them to search his stuff.
Question 2 # Would you want people to go through with your stuff?
Response: I think this mean that the captain will or high ranked people will treat the people not nicely because of Frank not saying yes sir, the Corporal tell him to go clean the dishes. And to throw his week end pass I thought this was pretty harsh. Also that tells that if you argue with a captain or a Corporal you will be punished.
Connection: I had a connection to this when people think they are right and I tell they aren't but they have a big ego so they can't think it over and they can't think my idea even if it was right. This made me really mad. Then I drop the topic but this is when I made my mistake They keep talking and trying to convince there idea. This is really annoying. So I learned that not to convince your idea to some people because they will never agree.
Question :Is it worth it to fight with someone to get your idea through?
Quote2# :Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home. page 73 Tole
Response: This tells how tole is trying to cheer up everyone because they are nervous about the colonel searching people bags. So he tries to cheer them up. This is what Frank and his friend have to face because they need to pass the search, this search is when the corporal search your bag but Frank and his friends don't like people looking through your thing. So this is what all the character’s including Frank (that are privates)has been through.
Connection: I don't have a really big connection but one time my parent were looking for something in the house and they couldn't find it so the only place was my backpack and I didn't want them to look for it because then all my paper will come out because I was really unorganized and they did and like the character he doesn't want them to search his stuff.
Question 2 # Would you want people to go through with your stuff?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Immigration Lit Circle Reading Response
Quote 1# "Very nice but why?" The Greek page 66
This quote ties in with how America is treating Frank. The reason why I think this ties in with how America treats him because people believe that he should be in college or have a better job because of how smart he is and also because if he doesn't belong people care going to look at him strange. This is how the America or the world is going to treat him by look at him weird if he stands out or if he doesn't belong. That is what I think of this quote. I think it is kind of like a discrimination. I have some personal connection when I stood out at explore some people I thought we were weird because of our skin color. It was ok because I had a friend with me but if I was alone I think I would have friend in 3rd grade.
Question1# Do you think looking at someone weird is ok if they don't belong? Why or why not?
Quote 2#
That was a Fu##in' movie, you'd have to be a real horse's a#s to get syphed up like that and what the h#ll do we have rubber for, right Di Angelo you went to college?
You have to be careful.
What the h#ll do you know, goddam spaghetti-eating guinea?- Thompson and Di Angelo fighting page 72
So Thompson and Di Angelo is fighting I think this is telling Frank that when you are in the military people are going to fight with you ever step of the way because they are pissed. Also I didn't put but after this Angelo threatens Thompson that he has a knife and I think this is not people frank should face up too. I believe that Frank will fight with Thompson or anyone at the military in the book. A connection to my like is when a kid liked to complain with everything even he knew I was write he would not except it. This starts when I say some thing and he disagree the only way to make him stop talking I need to a parent to convince him. I still have this problem even today. I just learned that some people will fight me ever time I say something.
Question 2# Would you fight for your idea if you think it is right? If yes then would you hurt someone too? If no would you just believe what ever people say?
As you se
This quote ties in with how America is treating Frank. The reason why I think this ties in with how America treats him because people believe that he should be in college or have a better job because of how smart he is and also because if he doesn't belong people care going to look at him strange. This is how the America or the world is going to treat him by look at him weird if he stands out or if he doesn't belong. That is what I think of this quote. I think it is kind of like a discrimination. I have some personal connection when I stood out at explore some people I thought we were weird because of our skin color. It was ok because I had a friend with me but if I was alone I think I would have friend in 3rd grade.
Question1# Do you think looking at someone weird is ok if they don't belong? Why or why not?
Quote 2#
That was a Fu##in' movie, you'd have to be a real horse's a#s to get syphed up like that and what the h#ll do we have rubber for, right Di Angelo you went to college?
You have to be careful.
What the h#ll do you know, goddam spaghetti-eating guinea?- Thompson and Di Angelo fighting page 72
So Thompson and Di Angelo is fighting I think this is telling Frank that when you are in the military people are going to fight with you ever step of the way because they are pissed. Also I didn't put but after this Angelo threatens Thompson that he has a knife and I think this is not people frank should face up too. I believe that Frank will fight with Thompson or anyone at the military in the book. A connection to my like is when a kid liked to complain with everything even he knew I was write he would not except it. This starts when I say some thing and he disagree the only way to make him stop talking I need to a parent to convince him. I still have this problem even today. I just learned that some people will fight me ever time I say something.
Question 2# Would you fight for your idea if you think it is right? If yes then would you hurt someone too? If no would you just believe what ever people say?
As you se
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Immigration Lit Circle Reading Response

Quote 1#- So why can't you talk to the nice people from Kentucky and make something of yourself?-American Priest Page16
Response 1#-
This quote shows how a lot of people are going to treat Frank.Like for example the priest treats him like if he was a stupid dog that doesn't know anything.People in America will try to force there idea against Frank. Also this quote can mean that people will might also give him god advice. This is connected to my life because I don't know usually the new fads or way of saying things and people always say you didn't know that or why don't you do that. And I always get good advice and bad ones from people.Like Frank is getting advice from the priest.
Question 1#-
Do you think that it is right to force your idea to a person like what the priest did to Frank?
Quote 2#-
Goddam, he's gotta pay his check. where's his goddam wallet? Back pocket, kid. hand it to me.-waiter at the Dempseys page 25
Response 2#-
I think it is rude to frank because after what the waiter said frank said I can't rob a priest. This is harsh and I think the waiter had a harsh day and this is what he really feels in the end of the day. This is what I think the character waiter has to face upon everyday. I think the waiter's action that he did was harsh and cruel. The reason why I think it was harsh was because it sound like he is yelling at the Frank and also he did not say it kindly.
Question 2#-
Do you think that It is nice to speak rudely to there customer and ask a kid to steal the priests money?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Post 3#
NAME:Kotae Huffaker DATE:2/09/10
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 6:30 HOURS 2
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 335-440
QUESTION 1:What does this book make you wonder about? Why?
RESPONSE 1: It make me wonder about the Human future and maybe this would happen like some people will depend on machines and some people might depend on nature by morphing creatures. I also wonder what if this happened what side I would be on. The Clanker looks cool and also the machines aren't living and the Darwinist have cool creatures doesn't have to depend on oil and also easy to repair just by feeding the creature. I also wonder if machine and machines fought with full power then who would win.
QUESTION 2:Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?
RESPONSE 2 Yes because I think he is making a sequel of this book because the end was disappointing we don't know what happened. Also because it was a really good book and in the end I liked how he made two stories in one book because in the end they meet up and they help each other and I could see the perspective of the girl and the boy, so it was very interesting. I would also read the sequel because I want to see if the Austria and the Darwinist would be a team.
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 6:30 HOURS 2
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 335-440
QUESTION 1:What does this book make you wonder about? Why?
RESPONSE 1: It make me wonder about the Human future and maybe this would happen like some people will depend on machines and some people might depend on nature by morphing creatures. I also wonder what if this happened what side I would be on. The Clanker looks cool and also the machines aren't living and the Darwinist have cool creatures doesn't have to depend on oil and also easy to repair just by feeding the creature. I also wonder if machine and machines fought with full power then who would win.
QUESTION 2:Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?
RESPONSE 2 Yes because I think he is making a sequel of this book because the end was disappointing we don't know what happened. Also because it was a really good book and in the end I liked how he made two stories in one book because in the end they meet up and they help each other and I could see the perspective of the girl and the boy, so it was very interesting. I would also read the sequel because I want to see if the Austria and the Darwinist would be a team.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Post 2#
NAME:Kotae Huffaker DATE:2/04/10
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 7:40 HOURS 3:30
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 109-335
QUESTION 1:Explain how the author creates suspense in this book.
RESPONSE 1: The author creates suspense by adding thing that you don't even expect that the character won't do that. For example when the girl who is acting to be a boy goes up to the kid Alec and pretending to cut Alec in the throat. Also in the part where Alec has the urge to go save the people in the snow and he said I won't but he does it anyways I thought these were some suspense in the story.
QUESTION 2:What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that?
RESPONSE 2: I think Alec did a bad idea of going to go save the Darwinist because they are Clanker and they are there enemies. Also because maybe he will get shot for being a enemy. Another thing maybe Count Volger his master will maybe be yell at him and make him in trouble. Also if he may have screwed it up then the Germany will have found him and killed him so I think what he did was risky. That is why I think Alec did the wrong chose to go outside and help the Darwinist.
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 7:40 HOURS 3:30
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 109-335
QUESTION 1:Explain how the author creates suspense in this book.
RESPONSE 1: The author creates suspense by adding thing that you don't even expect that the character won't do that. For example when the girl who is acting to be a boy goes up to the kid Alec and pretending to cut Alec in the throat. Also in the part where Alec has the urge to go save the people in the snow and he said I won't but he does it anyways I thought these were some suspense in the story.
QUESTION 2:What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that?
RESPONSE 2: I think Alec did a bad idea of going to go save the Darwinist because they are Clanker and they are there enemies. Also because maybe he will get shot for being a enemy. Another thing maybe Count Volger his master will maybe be yell at him and make him in trouble. Also if he may have screwed it up then the Germany will have found him and killed him so I think what he did was risky. That is why I think Alec did the wrong chose to go outside and help the Darwinist.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
In Class Writing Response
Dear diary,
I found out today that there are 8 legged machines that have turrets blocking the way to Switzerland, so my idea was to just go through it and get to the other side to Switzerland because Switzerland is neutral also we as in my crew thinks it is ok. This is a very risky mission because if we do my idea and if they shoot us we would be screwed. Also I am not a kid anymore I hope everybody in the crew understands, but only Klopp thinks of me as a adult. Even in the part where I got on my ship and try to take the flares out the others said oh highness it is very dangerous out there or I will do and I am sick of it, I want them to know I will take the same risks as the others.
I still feel sad about the incident about me blurting out that I was a prince because then the Germans followed us. I feel sad because i made it hard to get materials because now everybody knows our identity now and how we look. It because my fault I hope Klopp and everybody forgives me.
From Alec
2.If I could write to the author I would say that the book was awesome and he should make a sequel. I still wonder why he made robots and mutated creatures. I would also ask if he is going to release a new book and if I can get one of the first copies because so far Leviathan is awesome. I think some improvement he could have add was to not make it the past but the future, because it confused me until I asked my parent about the history and my dad made me read the history and I found out that most of it was true except the machine and the creatures. If you want to make it better then I would also add only one story instead of two stories in one book because it made me confused.
I found out today that there are 8 legged machines that have turrets blocking the way to Switzerland, so my idea was to just go through it and get to the other side to Switzerland because Switzerland is neutral also we as in my crew thinks it is ok. This is a very risky mission because if we do my idea and if they shoot us we would be screwed. Also I am not a kid anymore I hope everybody in the crew understands, but only Klopp thinks of me as a adult. Even in the part where I got on my ship and try to take the flares out the others said oh highness it is very dangerous out there or I will do and I am sick of it, I want them to know I will take the same risks as the others.
I still feel sad about the incident about me blurting out that I was a prince because then the Germans followed us. I feel sad because i made it hard to get materials because now everybody knows our identity now and how we look. It because my fault I hope Klopp and everybody forgives me.
From Alec
2.If I could write to the author I would say that the book was awesome and he should make a sequel. I still wonder why he made robots and mutated creatures. I would also ask if he is going to release a new book and if I can get one of the first copies because so far Leviathan is awesome. I think some improvement he could have add was to not make it the past but the future, because it confused me until I asked my parent about the history and my dad made me read the history and I found out that most of it was true except the machine and the creatures. If you want to make it better then I would also add only one story instead of two stories in one book because it made me confused.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Post 1#
NAME:Kotae Huffaker DATE:1/27/09
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 7:00 HOURS 3
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 1-109
QUESTION 1:What does this book remind you of in your own life? Why?
RESPONSE 1: So there was a scene in the book when this boy called Alec (Father king but mother is former)who thought that his trust one was kidnapping. So when he asked why are you kidnapping me they keep telling him that they aren't and he says they are lying. I had a time in my life when I didn't believe my parent when they told me that someone killed my fish (This was in japan) I said that they were lying but in the end they were right. And also in the end Alec finds out that they weren't lying and they were trying to save his life.
QUESTION 2:I wonder why the author…
RESPONSE 2I wonder why the author put it in the past then the future because it was about world war 1. Why didn't he make it about like 2950 or something like that. The reason why I am saying this is because there is machines that fight by many pilots and there is mutated creatures. Also in the time in world war 1 and also now we don't know how to mix different creature genes. Also even today we don't have machine that walk and hold guns and you can command it to shoot.
TITLE:Leviathan TIME 7:00 HOURS 3
AUTHOR:Scott Westerfeld PAGES 1-109
QUESTION 1:What does this book remind you of in your own life? Why?
RESPONSE 1: So there was a scene in the book when this boy called Alec (Father king but mother is former)who thought that his trust one was kidnapping. So when he asked why are you kidnapping me they keep telling him that they aren't and he says they are lying. I had a time in my life when I didn't believe my parent when they told me that someone killed my fish (This was in japan) I said that they were lying but in the end they were right. And also in the end Alec finds out that they weren't lying and they were trying to save his life.
QUESTION 2:I wonder why the author…
RESPONSE 2I wonder why the author put it in the past then the future because it was about world war 1. Why didn't he make it about like 2950 or something like that. The reason why I am saying this is because there is machines that fight by many pilots and there is mutated creatures. Also in the time in world war 1 and also now we don't know how to mix different creature genes. Also even today we don't have machine that walk and hold guns and you can command it to shoot.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Book I want to read!
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